Outrun Violence 5K

Outrun Violence 5K
Saturday, Sep 21, 2024 at 9:00am
Quarry Park
2450 Reynolds Park Rd

This race is hosted by Project X and proceeds will go to supporting youth enrolled in the program.  Project X works with high risk youth to reduce gun and gang violence in Forsyth County, NC.  The race will be held at Quarry Park and will be a two loop course.  This race is open for people to walk and run.

First, second, and third place male and female prizes will be provided.  Age group results are posted for recognition only (no awards).

Project X is a juvenile crime prevention program that was launched in 2020 and has served over 120 youth to date, providing them with interpersonal classes, vocational assistance, tutoring, GED assistance, pro-social activities, and partnering them with any other resources they or their family may be in need of. Project X follows the OJJDP Comprehensive gang model to provide youth with multifaceted and holistic services. This approach has given the program a 94% success rate.

Click Here For registration: